Seminārs par purvu apsaimniekošanu kontekstā ar SEG emisiju inventarizāciju – Norvēģijas piemērs: Prezentācijas
- H.Rimša, VARAM ''Introductory remarks''
- D.Zute, ZM ''Introduction and Latvia's profile''
- H.Silvennoinen, NIBIO ''Peatland management in Norway''
- H.Silvennoinen, NIBIO ''Peatland management and GHG production''
- G.Sogaard, NIBIO ''Norwegian LULUCF inventory''
- H.Silvennoinen, NIBIO ''Future research issues and possible collaboration''
- D.Ozola, VARAM "Legal framework of subsoil use and Peatland management strategy"
- I.Krīgere, KRA "Peatlands and peat production in Latvia"
- E.Greģe-Staltmane, LVM ''Current experience of peatland management''
- A.Lazdiņš, LVMI Silava "Recultivation of peatlands and GHG emissions"
- A. Priede, LU "Recommendations for restoring mires affected by peat extraction"