In progress
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The GRETA project develops policy tools for sustainable Smart Specialization innovation strategies in the Baltic Sea region to support the transformation of society and economy in line with the European Green Deal. GRETA builds on experiences with methods to support growth developed in the LARS project with environmental targets in two areas: energy (reduction of CO2 emissions, green energy production) and circular economy.

The project period is January 2021– September 2021.

Project is financed by INTERREG Baltic Sea Region programme that support regional development through transnational cooperation.

Total project budget – 396 910,81 EUR.

MoEPRD budget part in project – 31 387,50 EUR (including 26 679,37EUR ERDF financing, 4 708, 13 EUR own contribution).

The main objectives are as follows:

1) to enhance the partners’ institutional capacity to use Smart Specialization strategies in green transformation and green growth in the intervention areas (value chains, clusters) studied in the LARS project;

2) to involve relevant stakeholders in decision making and co-creation of strategies. In addition to innovation system stakeholders involved in LARS, GRETA will involve relevant stakeholders (experts and institutions) for environmental issues;

3) to develop tools for green transformation and green growth. Green transformation driven by Smart Specialization strategies requires quadruple helix involvement of civil society actors and bottom up co-creation guided by UN sustainable development goals.


WP2 Penta-Helix Coordination:

2.1. Mapping and selecting penta-helix stakeholders for intervews

2.2. Mapping of green transformation gaps

2.3. Comparative analysis of GD as smart regional strategy of innovation and growth

WP3 Policy brief on Green Transformation for RIS3 strategies

3.1. DPSIR on regional consequences

3.2. Round table discussions on the perceived challenges and opportunities

3.3. Preparation of Policy Briefs

Project partners

  1. Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Finland
  2. University of Vaasa, Finland
  3. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia
  4. Regional Council of Päijät-Häme, Finland
  5. Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Lithuania
  6. Lithuanian Innovation Centre, Lithuania
  7. Region Västerbotten, Sweden

Contact person in Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development: Alise Vecozola, e-mail: