On Thursday, November 28, the annual Accounting Forum organised by the Ministry of Finance (FM) took place online, where accounting policy makers presented the key aspects related to the implementation of e-invoices, additionally, several sustainability experts provided information on the regulation of the Sustainability Disclosure Act and the preparation of sustainability reports.
As part of the event, the Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development presented the upcoming "ESG Tool”- a practical tool to help companies prepare for sustainability reporting, provide recommendations, and support materials. The ESG assessment tool will enable companies to identify their key sustainability aspects to be included in the sustainability report, based on the framework of the double materiality assessment.
More information, along with forum presentations and the recording, is available on the Ministry of Finance website: www.fm.gov.lv/gramatvedibas-forums.
Latest information about the project:
SusTool (Sustainability reporting tool) project (2023-2025) is financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme 2021-2027, 1 Priority Innovative societies, 1.2 Objective Responsive Public services and it contributes to EUSBSR PA Innovation Action.
Project partners include the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications as the lead partner from Estonia, and as partners, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Environment, the Environmental Investment Centre, ITL Estonia, and Zero Waste Estonia from Estonia, LIKTA and VARAM from Latvia, DIMECC LTD and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment from Finland, INFOBALT and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation from Lithuania, and WAMA COOP from Poland. The project will conclude on December 31, 2025.
Project manager
Santa Bileskalne
Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia