Press release VARAM reorganizācija
VARAM plāksne

Today, July 1, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development has been renamed the Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development.

The name of the Ministry was changed taking into account the reorganisation of the Ministry of environmental Protection and Regional Development (VARAM) and the Ministry of Climate and Energy (KEM).

Within the framework of the Action Plan, the government is determined to achieving Latvia's commitments to climate and energy, environmental protection and natural resource management objectives. Restore natural resources in order to combat climate change and preserve Latvia's natural values and biodiversity also for future generations. As part of this exercise, environmental policy areas other than nature conservation and related functions and the transfer of relevant personnel, rights, commitments, assets and budgetary programmes VARAM to KEM should be carried out by 30 June 2024.

The new name, the Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development, reflects the competence of the institution in the field of digital transformation. The name of the Ministry is an important element reflecting the priorities and direction of the state. In today's digital age, digital transformation has become a major issue in every area of the country. From economics and education to health care and public administration services, digital technologies influence and shape our everyday lives. Moreover, following the reorganisation of VARAM and KEM, VARAM will be the leading public administration in areas such as nature conservation, regional development, development and supervision of local governments, spatial development planning and land management, management of public administration services, planning, co-ordination and management of development of information society and digital transformation, as well as management of digital technologies of public administration.

The choice of the new name of the Ministry is both symbolic and practical, pointing to the mission of the Ministry - to promote the digital development of the country and ensure efficient provision of services to citizens and entrepreneurs in the digital environment.

Taking into account that the areas of nature and environmental protection were separated within the framework of the reorganisation and ensuring that nature protection would receive specific attention and resources for the conservation of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity, the Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development was designated as the leading public administration in the field of nature protection. KEM, on the other hand, was identified as the leading public authority in the field of environmental protection.


VARAM plāksne