Riga, 28 January 2021 - This morning the Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Artūrs Toms Plešs (AP!) met with the operator of the deposit system designated by the State Environmental Service (VVD) competition “DIO” in order to take stock of the development of the system and to familiarise himself with the operator's vision of how it will be implemented within the deadlines.
Minister Plešs (AP!): “The setting is clear: there is a year left before the introduction of the deposit system on 1 February 2022, so decisive and operational action must be taken at the moment. Compliance with the deadline should be a high priority. There's a big and responsible job ahead. The operator's representatives today set out a clear vision for the future system development plan, so that Latvian citizens can soon participate in the development of a greener future and the reintroduction of the principles of the circular economy."
Both sides agree that the introduction of the deposit system is a complex process and therefore a successful model should be able to provide Latvian residents with a quality and easy-to-use service. Traders, producers, sorting centres and other actors are involved in the design and deployment of the system; a series of IT solutions and logistical issues should also be addressed, so action should be taken quickly but carefully to ensure that the deposit system is a well-functioning mechanism. The Minister noted that the introduction of the deposit system will be a major step that will guide Latvia's economy not in the waste management but in the management of resources.
In addition, the Minister stressed that it is particularly important to focus attention directly on the development of the circular economy in Latvia, and therefore, with the introduction of the deposit system, the possibility of creating new initiatives in the development of innovative technologies, which would allow local companies to participate in the development of new equipment and digital solutions.
Minister Plešs (AP!): “Major improvements are expected in the waste management sector and, in the light of technological developments and growing challenges in the field of environmental protection, the possibilities for adjusting the deposit system with time should be carefully considered in order to include a wider scope and to develop the spectrum of transferable packaging.”
The Minister stressed that the introduction of the deposit system is a great benefit for Latvian society, as it not only opens up wider possibilities to preserve nature and participate actively in the protection of the environment, but also economically incentivises citizens to transfer the packaging of drinks to be recycled. . It is true that, given that such a system is an unprecedented event for Latvian consumers, it is particularly important to launch an informative campaign so that it is possible for every user of the system to understand the functioning of reception machines.
The Minister is determined to follow the development and implementation of the system, stressing that the Ministry will participate in the monitoring process with the State Environmental Service.
As previously reported, on 14 January 2021, the State Environmental Service entered into an agreement with the “Deposit Packaging Operators” Ltd regarding the introduction of the packaging deposit system in Latvia, the system should start on 1 February 2022. The contract provides that the deposit system operator will ensure the operation of the system by 31 January 2029.
Glass, plastic (PET) and metal (can) non-alcoholic and alcoholic (below 6%) drinks will be transferred to the deposit system. For each purchased deposit package, the citizen will be required to deposit a deposit of EUR 0.10, which can be returned once the package is released, if the special identification mark and bar code is readable on the packaging to be marketed, and the packaging will be emptied.
Information prepared by
Miks Strazdiņš
Adviser to the Minister on Communications
Ministry for Environment Protection and Regional Development
Tel. .67026430, 20121021
E-mail: miks.strazdins@varam.gov.lv