
Seed Money project #S019 Land-Sea-Act of Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Accommodating of land-sea interactions into maritime and coastal planning in the Baltic Sea Region through blue-green infrastructure and ecosystem services

Seed Money project #S019 “Land-Sea-Act” activities will create a high-quality transnational project application to foster muli-level cooperation, create case studies and deal with raising capacity of institutions & municipalities dealing with Land-sea interactions and ecosystem based approach in maritime and coastal spatial planning.

Project implementation duration:           01.09.2017 – 31.08.2018

Project budget:                                        50 000 EUR, including ERDF co-financing 42 500 EUR


Goal of the Seed money project Land-Sea-Act:

The overall goal of the seed money project is to create a plan and team for main project which will contribute to improvement of the understanding and embedding the principles of Land-sea interaction (LSI) and ecosystem based approach (EBA) within the maritime and land-based spatial planning for cohesive management of the coastal areas. In order to achieve the goal, project will implement activities having various tasks and at different scale.


Main activities of the Seed money project Land-Sea-Act:

1. State of play in the field addressed by the project including an overview of complementary projects

1.1. Kick-off meeting of the SEED project partners.

1.2. Review of the policy relevance of the project idea.

1.3. Review of the recent and ongoing complementary projects.

1.4. Overview on the applied methodologies and methods on ecosystem services (ES), EBA and blue green infrastructure (BGI) in policy development and implementation.

1.5. Writing the Report (Output 1).

2. Plan for the main stage project

2.1. Elaborating the project outline of the Main project.

2.2. Establishing a project consortium.

2.3. Drafting project Work plan by defining Work packages, activities, deliverables, timeline.                                                      

2.4. Communication with main project potential partners and amending draft work plan and responsibilities.

2. 5. Elaboration of the project budget.

3. Future funding possibilities

3.1. Investigation of funding opportunities.

3.2. Assessing the project financing scheme (pre-financing, reimbursement, etc.) and co-financing needs for the Main project idea.

3.3. Development of the action plan (road map) to submit the project application if the relevant call of the proposals will be open after the SEED project.



  • Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Republic of Latvia, Spatial Planning Department (Lead partner)
  • Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia
  • Tallinn University, School of Humanities
  • Instutute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Marine Ecology


Kick-off meeting of the Seed money project was held in Riga (Latvia) on 26-27 September 2017. Minutes of the kick-off meeting and presentations are available here.

Second meeting of the Seed money project was held in Tallin (Estonia) on 11-12 January 2018. Minutes of the meeting and presentations are available here.

Third meeting of the Seed money project was held in Sopot (Poland) on 24-25 May 2018. Minutes of the meeting and presentations are available here.


Contact information:
Spatial planning department
Spatial planning policy division
Senior expert
Mārtiņš Grels
Tel. (+371) 66016 733